Wednesday, August 30, 2006

not helping the cause

Just a few days ago, the Sunday Times had a review of a new book about queers in Singapore. Being observant as ever (and nosey), Oh noticed that the name of one of the contributors of the book looked suspiciously like someone from his college. The article even quoted him:
"The media has made gay life out to be full of debauchery - you sleep around, you go out, you drink," he said. But he and his partner "are not like that... We're a very sedate couple."
I totally agree that there is a very strong misconception that gays are very loose people who go around picking up one another for sex and all. And it does not help that our trashy tabloids like to associate them with drugs and crime just for the sake of sensationalism.

On further digging, I found this person's blog. He is indeed the guy from college! Kudos to him for coming out and being open about it. It takes plenty of courage indeed in a "conservative Asian" (whatever that means) nation like ours.

Then I read a post on his blog mentioning how he went walking around town looking to get "cruised". Not entirely sure what that means, I decided to check it up.
cruise (verb)
  1. To look in (a public area) for a sexual partner.
  2. To seek out and make a sexual overture to.
And all his credibility gets thrown out of the window.


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