Thursday, September 21, 2006

troubleshooting 101

Three simple steps to solve all computer-related problems before approaching for help.

  1. RTFM (Reboot The F**king Machine) – Rebooting your machine can solve up to 80% of all computer-related problems.
  2. RTFM (Read The F**king Manual) – Consult the manual or documentation before asking obvious questions.
  3. FGI (F**king Google It) – Usually, a simple search on Google can answer all the questions and problems you may have.

If everybody follows these instructions, your friendly helpdesk folks will have more time on coffee, cyber-research and Warcraft, ha!

(More info)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

must see

As some of you may know, I'm not the biggest fan of most things Korean. Not the place, not the people, and definitely not the popular culture. The only exception is kimchi, which I love. But after reading so many excellent reviews of The Host, I just have to catch it.

And they're right. What a show!

Here's what you can expect:
  1. End to end action and plenty of grandoise scenes for all you drama mamas.
  2. Lots of deadpan and wacky humour when you least expect it.
  3. Wonderful special effects of the mutant creature. And you don't even have to wait more than 15 minutes to see it in full glory.
  4. Victory of common folks over monster and hardhearted government authority, powered by their desperation to save their loved one.
  5. Political barbs at the US.
What more can you ask for? Besides, any show with scenes of a monster chasing and gobbling up people in broad daylight is always going to win extra brownie points from me. Not that I'm sadistic, but I don't really like scary movies that are pitch dark 90% of the time.

I was going to say that this is the best Korean show ever, but that's not saying much, non? Ok, it's the MOVIE OF THE YEAR.

Go catch it!

Monday, September 11, 2006

uncle agony

This is sooo farni. Hur hur hur.


Friday, September 08, 2006

classic clip

Below is a clip of the famous Mighty Mouse performance by Andy Kaufman on Saturday Night Live back in the 70s.

Kaufman was an eccentric American entertainer in the 70s and 80s. He was portrayed in the movie Man On The Moon by Jim Carrey, and also referenced in the song by REM which gave the movie the name.

A classic example of doing more with less.