Oh got pissed off with what he heard on the radio this morning, so please bare with him for a moment.
What’s with this
“Oh, I’m not gonna see them ‘cause they’re passé”? The person who said this went on about how he used to dig the band and its music but that they’re over the hill now. Now, it’s one thing if you’re never into the band, and only like a few of their songs. But it’s another thing altogether if you considered yourself a fan before, and that really gets to me because you know what they call such people? Farking Fair-weather Fans, with 3 capital F’s, that’s what you are.
And all these “fans” readily and unabashedly admit that if it were 5 or 10 years ago, they’ll jump at the opportunity to see them. In case you’ve forgotten, the albums you used to groove to are still being sold at cd shops and the songs you once savour can still be heard on the airwaves. The music hasn’t been erased from the face of this Earth. Just look at The Rolling Stones and the Eagles – they’re still playing to sold-out concerts everywhere they go. They aren't exactly on anyone's What's Hot list,
non? Granted, the band's nowhere near the legendary status of those two bands, but which band can stay at the top forever? Maybe in future when the passé becomes the hip again, you’ll be back as a fan as well?
And in the meantime, I bet you must be clamouring for the next Black Eyed Peas concert (even though they’re here every freaking single year), or whatever’s the flavour of the month, and cheering for Chelski and maybe Fernando Alonso as well.
It was also said that they won’t be as loud, brash and sometimes violent as they notoriously are/were. True, but firstly, that’s the problem with the strict regulations here, so even if they were here at the height of their notoriety, they probably won't be hurling towards you to land a punch for directing a laser pointer at their eyes. These restrictions haven't changed from then till now. So are you saying you won’t go if it were ten years ago too? Secondly, all bands and their members mature, just like you (I hope) and me. Even if Axl Rose were to come now, don't be surprised if he's as tame and cuddly as a pussycat.
So go on, hang your heads in shame and bugger off.
Just the other day, I was watching the Shawshank Redemption on tv (by the way, if you've not already done so, you really should too). In one of the more poignant scenes, lead character Andy Dufresne locked himself in the guard room and blasted Mozart over the public address system. As the music blared out, the whole prison came to a standstill as everyone froze in midstep and listened, hypnotised.
For this little stunt, Andy got 2 weeks of solitary confinement (in the "hole"). When he was released, this conversation took placed in the mess hall:
HEYWOOD: Couldn't play somethin' good, huh? Hank Williams?
ANDY: They broke the door down before I could take requests.
FLOYD: Was it worth two weeks in the hole?
ANDY: Easiest time I ever did.
SKEET: Bullshit. No such thing as easy time in the hole.
EARNIE: A week seems like a year.
ANDY: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company.
FLOYD: So they let you tote that record player down there, huh?
ANDY: (taps his heart, his head) The music was here...and here. That's the beauty of music, they can't get that from ya. Haven't you ever felt that way about music?
This was written using
Blogger for Word under someone's recommendation. Not bad, although I had to edit a little back on the browser for the formatting.
Hey, I thought I’m supposed to be the more software-savvy one around? Not so it seems, ha! :)